Thursday, April 28, 2022

How Effective Are The Covid Shots? A new Danish study making the rounds will surprise people who have been getting their information from officially approved sources

A new Danish study making the rounds will surprise people who have been getting their information from officially approved sources.

We’ve heard it said again and again that the shots help prevent death from Covid.

This study seeks to find out just how effective the vaccines have been in preventing death.

It concludes that the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines have had a positive effect in preventing deaths, while the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) have had no effect.

I know: you want to write to tell me that AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson are worse than this paper makes them appear. Please resist that temptation, because that isn’t the point.

The point is this:

A major study is saying that the shots being most heavily promoted have in fact demonstrated no protection against death.

Martin Kulldorff, a professor at Harvard Medical School for ten years, reviewed the study and wrote the following:

When the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that decision was based on RCTs [randomized controlled trials]. The RCTs submitted to the FDA showed that the vaccines reduce symptomatic Covid infections.

By recruiting mostly younger and middle-aged adults, who are unlikely to die from Covid no matter what, the studies were not designed to determine whether the vaccines also reduce mortality.

That was assumed as a corollary, although it may or may not be true….

The vaccines were developed for Covid, but to properly evaluate a vaccine, we must look at non-Covid deaths as well. Are there unintended adverse reactions leading to death?

We do not want a vaccine that saves the lives of some people but kills an equal number of other people.

There may also be unintended benefits, such as incidental protection against other infections. For a fair comparison, that should also be part of the equation.

What do the data show? In the case of the mRNA vaccines, says Kulldorff,

there was no evidence of a mortality reduction. For every 100 deaths among the unvaccinated, there are 103 deaths among the vaccinated, with a 95 percent confidence interval of 63 to 171 deaths.

That is, the mRNA vaccines may reduce mortality a little bit, or they may increase it; we do not know….

For the mRNA vaccines, there was a reduction in Covid deaths but an increase in cardiovascular deaths, but neither was statistically significant. So, either result could be due to random chance.

Alternatively, the vaccines may reduce the risk for Covid deaths while increasing the risk for cardiovascular deaths. We do not know, and Pfizer and Moderna did not design the RCTs to let us know.

Kulldorff calls it “inexcusable” that Pfizer and Moderna did not design their RCTs to discover whether the vaccines protected against death, since it would not have been difficult to do so.

“If Pfizer and Moderna want to continue to sell these vaccines,” Kulldorff concludes, “we should demand that they conduct a proper randomized clinical trial that proves that the vaccines produce mortality.”

So what do you know: the official sources are full of it, yet again.

Bold emphasis added

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