Monday, October 30, 2023


Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, National Socialism, New World Order Globalist, the United Nations and the American 'Democratic' Party's ...... 45 goals to destroy the United States.

The Naked Communist” 45 goals, by Cleon Skousen, 1958.

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher, and former FBI Agent, Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insights into the thinking and strategies of much of our so-called liberal elite:


  1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
  6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
  7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
  8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
  9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
  10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
  11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
  12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
  13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
  15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
  20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.
  23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
  24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
  25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
  27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it
    violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
  29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
  31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
  32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture, education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
  34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
  35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
  39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
  42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
  43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
  44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
  45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

"My child, you must not have fear at speaking the truth. It is for the salvation of souls and the recovery of your country. America the beautiful must not fall to communism, My child. America the beautiful shall not be sold into slavery. Cast out the money changers in your government! What manner of government is there that condones sin? Abomination upon abomination--giving monies for the murder of children, giving monies for the murder of the elderly! Your government, My child, has been infiltrated by men of sin." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 13, 1975

Sunday, October 29, 2023

End of the World Prophecy and the War in Israel - ARE WE GOING TO WITTNESS A PALESTINIANS HOLOCAUST?

For decades, war hawks who hold “End Times Christian” views have been claiming the decisive chapter of planet Earth is coming soon.

They see ultimate rescue from Above, for true believers, but a vast decimating War MUST come first.

However, some of these men have also been trying to encourage and promote and push opposing forces INTO that War.

I’ll describe their basic specific strategy.

It involves so-called holy sites, holy objects, and shrines. Including the fabled Ark of the Covenant, and “the room where God once lived.”

Back in the mid-1980s, I wrote an article about much of this for the LA Weekly. As the current War in Israel broke out, what I detailed in that piece suddenly came back and hit me between the eyes.

It’s very applicable to today.

I just completed further research and found more connected “prophecy” factors that loom over the current War in Israel and Gaza.

This is vital material.

The whole story is quite bizarre and dangerous.

It reinforces my view that organized religion is organized deception which attempts to rob people of their own spiritual decisions.

What happens if prophecy turns into military planning?

Jewish people call the Holocaust the ‘Shoah’, which means ‘destruction’ or ‘catastrophe’ in which it’s estimated that 6 million Jewish people died.

Jews believe a man called Abraham was the the first person to make a covenant with God. Abraham was a Hebrew. Jews believe God named Abraham’s grandson Israel. After this, the Hebrews became known as the Israelites. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people and the Israelites are his descendants.

Jews’ social segregation and their refusal to acknowledge the gods worshipped by other peoples aroused resentment. Unlike polytheistic religions, which acknowledge multiple gods, Judaism is monotheistic—it recognizes only one God.

The founders of Zionism and the leaders of the State of Israel had presumed that the normalization of the Jewish condition—that is, the achievement of statehood and with it a flag and an army—would seriously diminish anti-Semitism. However, from the Yom Kippur War of 1973 onward, the existence of the Israeli state seemed to have the opposite effect, fuelling rather than quenching the long-standing fires of anti-Semitic hatred.

It now appears that we are on the threshold of another Holocaust not a Jewish one but the annihilation of of Palestinians. It is universally believed that such a genocide as the Holocaust must never be allowed to happen again. We can no longer say we do not know that hatred and intolerance lead to war and genocide. We cannot afford to stand still for one moment.

With the out brake of hostility this line has not yet been crossed but current events must serve as a wakeup call.

Today we cannot say that we do not know what happens when hatred in all its forms rears its head.

Even though the vehemence of the anger and attacks against Israel appeared not to differentiate between Israelis and Jews, the United Nations and International Community musts issue a warning that there will be no acceptance of such a course of action by Israel. 

The persistence of anti-Semitism into the 21st century and the marked rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the early decades of the century have prompted new consideration of how to define and combat the phenomenon, which has both incorporated old tropes and taken on new forms.

Double standards (judging Israel by one standard and all other countries by another), delegitimization (the conclusion that Israel had no right to exist), or demonization (regarding the Israeli state not merely as wrongheaded or mistaken but as a demonic force in the contemporary world).

Antisemitism is not a Jewish illness.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


In the chaotic world we live in, a catastrophic event could come from just about anywhere, but the one that I want to focus on in this article is a Communist takeover of America.

No one who has been paying attention could doubt the reality of this threat to our country. The communists have been slowly taking over the institutions of this nation for the last hundred years. Now, they appear ready to make a push for complete control of the country. They do not always call themselves Marxists, or Communists, or Socialists, but their goal is the same—to create a Soviet America.  

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx spoke of the ten steps by which the communists intended to accomplish their goal of “revolutionizing the mode of production,” which in the end would destroy Christianity and eventually the family structure:

  1. Abolition of property and land, and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and the means of transport in the hands of the state.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools

Karl Marx’s communist vision was displacing or dethroning God as the creative intelligence of the world and destroying free enterprise. Under the philosophy of Karl Marx, the communists announced that they were on their way to turning the world into a paradise.  But they failed to fulfill their promises of a better life for the masses.

Instead, millions were slaughtered while others were kept in slave labor camps that Solzhenitsyn described as the gulag archipelago. These concentration camps worked millions of people to the point of disease, starvation, and even death. We have FEMA camps for that now that are prepared and waiting to do just that.

They conquered Eastern Europe, China, North Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Uganda, Ethiopia, as well as other nations. They promised a prosperous society. All who resisted and disagreed with this utopia were murdered. Before the world woke up, one-third of the earth’s population was captured and fell under the control of the communist world dictatorship.

In 1956, the Communist leader of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev delivered this quote at a press conference: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S.; we will destroy you from within.” And in 1959, he said: “We can’t expect American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders by feeding them small doses of socialism until they awaken one day to find they already have communism.”

In 1966, Cloward and Piven, two Sociology professors at Columbia University introduced a strategy to eliminate poverty by redistribution of wealth and create a political crisis that takes complete control of citizens through gradual implementation of Socialism/Communism. Here is their recipe:

Control a nation’s healthcare and you control the people. (Obamacare, Universal healthcare, Single-payer healthcare)

Increase the level of poverty since people with no means are easier to control. 

Increase the debt to unsustainable levels, then increase taxes and create more poverty.

Confiscate guns so the people cannot revolt. (Repeal 2nd Amendment…in progress)

Use government welfare to take control of every aspect of people’s lives: food, housing, and income.

Take control of what children are taught in school, and what people read, see and hear through media. 

Separate people from their religion and ridicule it. (Remove God from government and schools and even the pledge of allegiance to the flag.)

Divide the people with class warfare. (Fair Share, Free College, War on Women.)

Divide the people with race warfare. (Black Lives Matter)

Overload entitlement programs like welfare, food stamps, housing, and the VA until they collapse, and the chaos will allow socialist programs to be implemented.

This agenda matches the Democrat platform and has been insidiously taking over our Republic. Most of our Democrat self-elected official champions, these Socialist/Communist principals including Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. Socialism sounds good to those who want free healthcare, free college, and debt forgiveness.

But the funds ultimately come from taxpayers’ pockets, significantly increasing taxes and reducing the number of jobs businesses can afford. It also creates big government bureaucracies without oversight that greatly reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of services overall. It has always failed the population whenever tried in any country.

Socialism is an economic theory that advocates that all property and means of production, distribution, and exchange should be regulated by the community. This is the opposite of the free-enterprise system of Capitalism, where anyone can own property, run a business, and trade freely.

Communism is when property, production, distribution, and exchange are not only regulated but owned by a ruling class or government. Socialism leads to communism when elected officials and government agencies take control of the people. Communist societies ultimately control and oppress their people and limit access to essential commodities, like food and medical care.

I have not resigned myself to a Communist victory just yet, and I pray their revolution fails. However, as preppers, we should prepare for the worst. In this article, I suggest ways we can spiritually prepare for a Communist takeover.  

First, we need to understand what it is like for Christians living under a Communist regime. Mr. Kengor explains that “religion was viewed [by Marxists] as a dangerous and ubiquitous rival belief system. It was Marxism’s chief competitor for the mind of the working class.” Therefore, Christians in Communist countries are persecuted, subjugated, imprisoned, tortured, and often executed.

Lutheran pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina present an illuminating, albeit terrifying, case study as Christians surviving Communism. Their combined story can be found in the book Wurmbrand: Tortured for Christ: The Complete Story. 

In the book, Rev. Wurmbrand explains: “The Communists rigged elections with fraud and violence, taking total control of [Romania]. Opposition leaders, police officers, and civil servants were liquidated in a swift wave of terror. Then the Communists focused their sights on the church. Catholic bishops and countless clergy, monks, and nuns were targeted next. Tens of thousands of ordinary people disappeared, sent to jails and labor camps…No one’s life remained the same.” 

Are you prepared for that kind of terror? Are you prepared to have your loved ones taken by sadistic thugs working for a tyrannical government? Are you prepared to suffer daily through physical and mental anguish? Are you prepared to stand strong in the faith through it all?

I pray that I am. I pray that my family is. But truthfully, I will not know if I am ready until it happens. And none of us will have the strength to persevere without the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as God sent an angel to strengthen Jesus on the eve of His crucifixion, so will we need to be strengthened to endure such horror. But there are things we can do in the meantime to prepare.

Take full advantage of all the Church has to offer while you still can and most importantly, pray. Pray as often as you can. Pray that you and your family will have the strength to persevere to the end.  

For the survival of the great Constitutional Republic of America, we must be willing to fight for our God-given rights and make others aware of this insidious plan. This is not about right or left, Democrat or Republican, it’s a choice between tyrannical, authoritarian Socialist/Communist government, or freedom to make our own choices, own property, and be able to speak out, run a business, gather together, celebrate our faith and pursue our happiness.

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Societal Effects Of Inflation – Things Are Really Going Bad

Historically speaking, inflation/stagflation has always been a disastrous affair. One is hard-pressed to find any legitimate examples of a country that experienced an aggressive inflationary event that came out better for it. A rare scenario would be one in which a nation inflates to fund a war that they then win, but usually negative consequences still happen later down the road.

The problem is that the effects of inflation can be subtle and far-reaching, quietly creeping up on a population until suddenly there’s a tidal wave of societal crises. In the US (and much of the Western world) we are already witnessing elements of inflationary disaster; there’s a good reason why around 60% of Americans now have a pessimistic view of the future, with a majority of people saying life is worse for them today than it was in the past.

These kinds of dark sentiments usually coincide with inflationary or deflationary pressures. Inflation in particular can be devastating because it represents an ever-expanding hidden tax on the life of each citizen. Not only that, but the cure is often worse than the disease, with central banks instituting interest rate hikes that continue longer than most people expect.  Eventually, they lead to an engineered deflationary kick in the gut for the economy. For a time, prices will remain high on an array of necessities while wages stagnate, consumer demand shrinks and businesses go bankrupt as borrowing becomes impossible.

A system might be able to absorb this shock as long as it is not burdened with immense debt. In the case of the US, we are heavily burdened with over $33 trillion in national debt (officially) and over $17 trillion in consumer debt. The damage from stagflation and the central bank response will be greatly amplified by this.

So what should we expect when things go truly bad?


Labor strikes tend to occur in inflationary environments because, at least initially, demand for labor is high, giving labor more leverage against business owners. When people know they can easily jump into another job tomorrow the temptation is to leave their current job at the drop of a hat today.

Strikes were a common crisis in Weimar, Germany, and Yugoslavia among other nations, in some cases because of legitimate labor concerns and in other cases because of communist provocateurs. The stagflation of the 1970s led to what is known as the “decade of strikes” in the US, with labor seeking higher wages to offset rising prices. The strikes sometimes resulted in better wages, which then in turn only lead to even higher prices as production shrinks and the costs are transferred to the consumer.

Wages are stagnant in the US today, even after the minimum wage unofficially doubled due to labor shortages. Labor demand is high (for now), but the difference in our era compared to previous inflation events is that the vast majority of labor is focused on superfluous markets. It’s not as if manufacturing is a major component of the US economy anymore. Rather, most employment is in the service sector.

No one really cares if Mcdonald’s workers or Walmart workers or Hollywood writers go on strike. This does little to affect their daily lives. What it does do, though, is wear down the business sector over time until a portion of employers eventually downsize operations. If you have enough strikes and businesses can’t find workers in certain regions, they will close up shop and cut their losses. There were multiple incentives for major manufacturers to leave the US for places like China in the 1970s and 1980s, but the constant union strikes during that period played a large part in the decision.

Today, you will have retail and food deserts; places where no businesses will dare set down roots because they can’t keep their stores staffed. In the end, the jobs disappear entirely.


Speaking of retail deserts, spiking crime rates are another factor that drives employers away from certain neighborhoods and cities.

Obviously, this is a situation we are seeing play out in the past couple of years, but the interesting thing is the level of disinformation and denial that public officials have displayed in response. There has been a conspiracy among certain state and local governments (Democrats) and the corporate media to dismiss or hide the rising crime problem in the US. The most important aspect of this has been the oddly timed overhaul for the process US cities use to report crime stats to the FBI and to the public.

It’s just a coincidence I’m sure, but starting around the beginning of the covid pandemic there was a shift in procedures for criminal data reporting within the federal government. That change has allowed a number of cities to withhold complete crime stats until the new system is finished; this means that some cities will not be reporting reliable stats until 2024-2025.

So, when a leftist journalist says “Gee, conservatives keep complaining about rising crime in San Francisco, but crime is actually going down…” this is a lie. Cities like San Francisco are simply not required to provide full criminal reports for another year.

The crime rate is not only a symptom of high prices. That is a part of it, but the atmosphere of chaos that surrounds inflation also acts as a kind of signal to the mentally unstable and morally corrupt. Bad people will slither out of the woodwork because they view the instability as good cover for their criminal activities. With enough crime overwhelming police, a larger percentage of miscreants are likely to escape scrutiny and prosecution.


Again, this is happening right now, but it is generally limited to short bursts in compact urban settings. As inflationary heat boils over, looting will become a daily occurrence and it will move away from retail areas into residential and suburban areas.

The fascinating thing about looting these days is that if you have one man stealing from a store, he is considered a criminal. If you have a group of people stealing from a store, suddenly they become “activists” that are fulfilling their “right to reparations.” There is a political weaponization of looters going on, usually on the side of the far left, in the midst of inflation. The looters are not looting because prices are higher and they need the resources, they are looting because inflation gives them an excuse to loot and political elements are encouraging them to do so.


Inflationary effects can move awkwardly through an economy, with some places far more damaged than others depending on how local governments respond. The worst governments will react with higher taxes and red tape in order to offset falling revenues in other areas. They will also reduce public services in order to save money, and this includes reductions in police funding even in the face of higher crime.

As people realize they’re living in a dead zone that is draining their bank accounts dry and giving them nothing back, they will try to leave if they can. In the US, people have migrated by the millions away from blue states in the past few years, but this was more to do with them escaping covid mandates and lockdowns than escaping economic malaise. The next wave of migrations will happen because of financial decline (as well as the crime that comes with it).

This happens during most economic crisis events. It was common during the Great Depression to see Americans moving around like nomads to places they thought had more work and more prosperity. Men would leave their families for jobs across the country so they could send money back home. The homeless spread out from urban areas into the countryside to beg for food from farmers.

During inflation, the cost of relocation can be debilitating. There will come a point when moving will be impossible. Until then there will be a swell of populations flowing like water from one place to the next seeking relief from the storm. Expect to see nomadic cultures return to the US with RV caravans, tiny home meccas, tent cities and Hoovervilles (now called Bidenvilles).


In the former Yugoslavia, economic disaster accelerated existing social and political divisions to the point of national breakup. These kinds of conditions might be a ways down the road for the US, or, they might be a lot closer than you think. In our case, the divisions will be between the people who want to continue going down the path that is taking us to oblivion, and the people who want to stop and reverse course.

It might seem like insanity, but a large part of the American populace still thinks the direction we are going is beneficial. They think the destruction of western culture is part of the greater good, that economic calamity is a means to an end and that they will be largely unaffected. There are also people that are just plain stupid and don’t realize that they’re supporting policies that will end up biting them in the posterior.

Inflation creates chaos, but it can also bring clarity. That which is truly important moves to the forefront of the public consciousness.  The depraved rise to the surface of the water like so much putrid ocean froth, and people figure out quickly who they want to live with and who they want to live without. Entire subcultures will form and separate to survive and thrive while other groups will try to stop them. Conflict is probably inevitable (as it was in Yugoslavia) but the point remains: Inflationary crisis has the ability to change everything.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


It should have become obvious by this time that ‘crisis’ management political policy is the new war being waged against society as a whole, in order for the state and its masters to gain total control over every aspect of human life, regardless of the dire consequences to the rest of us. How does it feel to be completely inconsequential to the ruling element of this nation and others, while the wealthy controlling few at the top decide whether you are to work, to travel, to be free, to be with family and friends, to eat, to keep warm, and even to live or die? Those who continue to believe in and support this heinous system of totalitarian governance will likely never have a clue as to their own personal existence, as they are simply without the capability to think and function as a free and independent human being. These people are of no advantage to any freedom movement, as they voluntarily submit to rule of one over another, so considering any drive to remain a thinking and vital individual amongst fools is lost to this element of society.

The challenges facing us are tremendous, so understanding the way of this modern technique of war that has been designed purposely to lull us into state dependency, is extremely important; so much so as to be essential to our future existence. The hell that is warfare takes on many disguises, but war is always evil, and meant to monopolize power over people, places, or things. Whether foreign or domestic matters not, as the goal is always to expand rule, and this is the essence of our current situation; one in which the state as proxy for the real power, is intent on changing the world structure entirely to suit its drive toward a fully dominant technocratic worldwide system of oppressive supremacy over all life.

One crisis after another will be forthcoming; never-ending in intensity or numbers, but always heading toward the singular goal of power and control. The very fact that most all countries worldwide are working and cooperating simultaneously as partners, should scare the hell out of any with eyes to see. How could this be? It cannot be legitimate, but it does expose that this is a planned takeover, and has been designed as such for a very long time.

False flag attacks meant to create dire situational agendas have been happening for much of human history, but in today’s world, at least in many cases, they are not so obvious as in the past. Whereas acts of war blamed on a target country in order to initiate pre-planned aggression against them were more prevalent, now any and every event meant to create fear, panic, and a particular reaction, are being used against domestic populations worldwide. The ‘covid’ scam was the epitome of this type of intentional plot used to strike extreme fear to such a high degree, as to gain control over a multitude of people in a multitude of places all at once. This tactic is without conscience, and relies on mass fear causing mass chaos.

Considering just a very few of the staged events in the U.S. that led to serious and deadly reactions over the past century is staggering in scope, but these things happen not only on a large scale,  but for more minor coups as well. The Pearl Harbor attack in 1941 was not only provoked, but known about well in advance. The U.S. had committed multiple acts of war against Japan prior to this attack, and knew the Japanese codes long before, so this was used by Roosevelt to bring on board the duped American people to support an unwanted war in Europe, regardless of the consequences; which of course were extreme.

The plan for Operation Northwoods was to kill Americans to implicate Castro and Cuba so as to start a war based on lies. This led to the Kennedy assassination, as well as many others, and was also a false flag operation meant to change by force and deceit the entire political landscape of this country.

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident that was completely fabricated, led to the death of many millions of innocent people in Vietnam and Southeast Asia in a war that tore this country apart. There was no Tonkin incident, as the U.S. government and its accomplices made it up out of whole cloth in order to purposely start a war of aggression.

There were also the wars created by false flags against Grenada, Panama, and the U.S. and Israel collaboration in setting up the Iran/Iraq war. In the same time period, there was the bombing of Libya, and the heinous Gulf War false flag called “Desert Storm.”

The staged Oklahoma City bombing was followed by the grandfather of false flags, the structured inside job called the 9/11 ‘attacks.’ This led to multiple wars of aggression, also based on even more lies and false flags, against Afghanistan and Iraq. This War of Terror is still going on today after more than two decades of murderous brutality at the hands of the U.S. and its complicit allies.

These are but a small handful of major false flag attacks carried out by the U.S over the past 80 years, but there have been hundreds of evil, pre-planned, purposely structured, and murderous false flag events meant to achieve very nefarious and murderous agendas, that greatly harmed not only foreign nations and innocent civilians, but Americans as well.

That brings us up to modern times; times in which false flag events have taken on a whole new meaning that is based on crisis after crisis. Domestic terrorism (war against Americans) at the hands of this government and its controllers has become more covert, more concealed, and more directed toward only the goal of totally destroying this society in favor of totalitarian technocratic globalism. We now are constantly inundated and propagandized with false threats of ‘viruses,’ pandemics, bio-weapon warfare and injections, threats of nuclear annihilation, and the lie of ‘manmade climate change’ causing a bogus certainty of the destruction of earth. Any destruction of this magnitude could only be accomplished due to the ruling class and its government policies intentionally designed to bring about control of the masses by planned chaos and ‘crisis.’

If the people do not stand up against this tyranny, where will it end? If the masses continue to wallow in self-pity, indifference, and total dependence on the state, what will be our fate? If the U.S. is allowed to continue its totalitarian push toward total domination by the few, thereby building a global cabal and a one world governing system bent on ruling over the earth, how can freedom ever be restored or survive?

These questions seem to assume complicated answers, but that is really not the case. Any return to individual responsibility and defense of self against state rule can move mountains, because regardless of the weakness of the crowd, it should be obvious that we outnumber the tyrants by a multiple factor of millions. Thousands rule, while billions serve them. In reality, does this make any sense whatsoever? Can you not see the folly in being blind to the fact that each of us has great power over ourselves, and therefore together over the state, and our own lives and future?

Negate the state, negate the politicians and political class, ignore all orders and mandates, ask for nothing; only demand your freedom and take it. Do not allow the state to steal your wealth, never ask permission to obtain your own liberty by participating in the voting fraud, elections, and political process built and sustained for the single purpose of controlling you, and never allow the propaganda and trickery of the ruling scum to divide you. Clutch and hold your family, friends, neighbors, and all others in an effort to regain proper societal norms instead of thriving on self-destruction, constant jealousy, and hostility. Love and compassion can easily defeat indifference and hate, but a self-awakening is necessary in order to see the light of freedom and joy.

We can begin by opposing all war, all conflict, all aggression against others; in essence, demanding harmony and cooperation instead of clinging to false fears that have been intentionally ingrained into our psyche by an evil force called the state. There is nothing to fear but your own weakness and cowardice, and your willingness to only rely on others to design and control your lives. The state has no real power unless you give that power to them voluntarily. Without your support, they lose all ability to rule. Without your support, they cannot harm you. Without your support, those who seek power over you will wither and die, and with that death will come a life of freedom.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

We Live in a World Marked by Increasing Uncertainty, Geopolitical Tensions, and Unforeseeable Disasters! What Can Preppers Learn From One of the Most Enduring and Complex Conflicts of Our Time, the Israel-palestine War?

We live in a world marked by increasing uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and unforeseeable disasters, where the concept of prepping has gained significant traction. More and more people are preparing for potential disasters, often focusing on stockpiling food, water, and emergency supplies to weather a wide range of crises.

However, what can preppers learn from one of the most enduring and complex conflicts of our time, the Israel-Palestine war?

A little bit of history hurts no one

The history of Israel’s formation and its impact on Palestine is a complex and contentious subject, marked by a series of events that have shaped the course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Here are the key historical factors that led to the establishment of the State of Israel and how this process laid the foundation for the ongoing territorial disputes with Palestine.

I. The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate Era (1917-1947)

The origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be traced back to the end of World War I when the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917. This document expressed support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then under Ottoman rule. While the declaration promised to protect the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine, it sowed the seeds of future discord.

Following World War I, the League of Nations gave Britain a mandate to govern Palestine. During the mandate period (1920-1948), Jewish immigration to Palestine increased significantly, fueled by the rise of Zionism, a political and cultural movement advocating for a Jewish homeland. This led to tensions with the Arab majority in the region, who saw their land and identity threatened by the growing Jewish presence.

II. United Nations Partition Plan (1947)

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to divide Palestine into two distinct Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international administration. The plan was approved despite Arab opposition, leading to outbreaks of violence and ultimately, the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. During this conflict, Israel declared its independence, further exacerbating tensions with its Arab neighbors and displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes.

III. The Palestinian Nakba (1948)

The outcome of the 1948 war, which the Palestinians call the Nakba (catastrophe), led to the establishment of Israel as a state and the displacement of a significant Palestinian Arab population. This period marked the beginning of a long-standing refugee crisis, with Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes often unable to return. Israel expanded its territory beyond the boundaries proposed by the UN partition plan, retaining control over West Jerusalem and significant portions of the territory designated for the Palestinian state.

IV. The Six-Day War (1967) and Ongoing Disputes

In 1967, the Six-Day War resulted in Israel capturing the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, which had been under Jordanian and Egyptian control. This marked a turning point, as Israel’s control over these territories led to the construction of Israeli settlements and the intensification of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The status of these territories, along with the issue of Palestinian statehood, continues to be a point of contention today.

The formation of Israel and its territorial expansion have been deeply entwined with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These historical events have left a legacy of grievances, displacement, and competing claims to land that continue to shape the region’s dynamics.

The situation today

This month, the situation in the region escalated significantly. On October 7, militants from Gaza launched thousands of rockets toward Israeli towns and breached the heavily fortified border fence with Hamas sending militants into Israeli territory. According to Israeli authorities, this resulted in the loss of over 1,400 lives, including civilians and soldiers, and the taking of 199 hostages.

The attacks were notable for their unprecedented tactics and scale. Israel had not faced before a terror attack of this magnitude that claimed the lives of so many civilians. Hamas, in this operation, named “Al-Aqsa Storm,” stated that it was in response to perceived Israeli attacks on women, the desecration of the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and the ongoing Gaza siege.

In response to the attack, Israel declared war and initiated “Operation Swords of Iron,” targeting what it identified as Hamas and Islamic Jihad installations in Gaza. Israel also obstructed supply lines for basic necessities to the Gaza population, including fuel and water. Between October 7 and 12, Israel dropped approximately 6,000 bombs on the territory, which is more densely populated than New York, equivalent to the total number of airstrikes launched on the territory during the entire 2014 Gaza War (Operation Protective Edge), which lasted 50 days.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) advised civilians in Gaza to leave residential areas immediately for their safety, but some residents found it difficult to identify safe havens, especially with all crossings out of Gaza closed. The situation is further complicated by the hostages held by Hamas. While Hamas claimed that some hostages were killed by Israeli bombings, Israel hasn’t confirmed nor denied this assertion.

Israel imposed a “complete siege” on Gaza, blocking the delivery of water, electricity, fuel, and food until the hostages are released. On Friday the 13th, Israel’s military urged the 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to evacuate their homes immediately, indicating the imminent possibility of a ground invasion. The situation remains highly fluid and subject to ongoing developments.

What should preppers learn from this conflict?

I’ve been following the situation closely and checked various sources to find out more besides what the classic media reports. I believe that there are some things we, preppers, can learn from this, and the current situation serves as a reminder of why we are prepping. Here are my main conclusions:

Israel is far from being a good tourist destination

Nevertheless, Israel continues to draw millions of tourists annually. While the safety situation in the region can be notably unpredictable, a significant number of visitors are drawn to Israel owing to its profound religious and cultural significance.

However, I personally refrain from selecting it as a vacation destination, as I am inclined to avoid placing myself and my loved ones in the midst of an ongoing conflict. This decision is founded on principles of self-preservation and practicality. After all, what justifies taking such a risk? To showcase one’s travels on social media or to add another destination to a travel itinerary?

It’s worth noting that among those held hostage by the Hamas organization, there are tourists who attended an outdoor rave party. If one chooses to visit such locations, it is advisable to ensure stringent security measures are in place, maintain the means for a swift evacuation, and exercise moderation when participating in such events.

However, if there is a compelling reason for your visit, such as business or visiting relatives, it is possible to take steps to enhance your safety. Ultimately, you bear the responsibility for your well-being. Below, we outline key factors to consider when evaluating the safety of traveling to Israel:

Security Situation: Israel has a complex security environment due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and regional geopolitical dynamics. There have been occasional periods of heightened tension, demonstrations, and conflicts, particularly in areas like the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Visitors should stay informed about the situation and avoid areas with ongoing security concerns.

Travel Advisories: It’s advisable to check travel advisories from your government or relevant authorities before planning a trip to Israel. These advisories provide updated information on safety and security issues.

Local Guidelines: Follow any security or safety guidelines issued by Israeli authorities and local law enforcement. This may include restrictions on movement in certain areas and adherence to security measures in public places.

Restricted access to firearms is a bad idea

Many of the victims of the Hamas incursion into Israel lacked the means to defend themselves. I’ve come across numerous videos and photos depicting local residents being gunned down, and due to Israel’s stringent gun control laws, they were unable to retaliate.

Israel does not have the same level of civilian access to firearms as seen in some other countries, like the United States. The possession and use of firearms in Israel are subject to strict regulations and are generally limited to certain individuals and purposes. Here are some key points regarding firearms in Israel:

Firearm Ownership: Civilian firearm ownership is highly regulated in Israel. Most Israelis do not have access to firearms for personal self-defense or sporting purposes. Firearm ownership is primarily limited to individuals in specific roles, such as security personnel, law enforcement, and military personnel.

Licensing and Training: To obtain a firearm in Israel, individuals must go through a rigorous process that includes background checks, mental health evaluations, and the completion of training and safety courses. Firearm license applicants are typically required to demonstrate a genuine need for a weapon.

Carry Restrictions: Even those who are granted licenses to possess firearms typically have restrictions on carrying them in public. Firearms are generally required to be stored securely when not in use.

Never put all your trust in the government

The recent attack on Israel serves as a stark reminder that no government can guarantee absolute trust and protection. This incident is being viewed as a significant lapse in internal security and tactical intelligence oversight.

Reports suggest there was a degree of chaos in coordinating a timely response to the attack, and authorities struggled to ensure the safety of their citizens. Once again, this highlights the importance of not relying solely on the government for the safety of your family.

Taking precautionary measures to ensure your loved ones’ safety until government aid arrives is crucial. Whether it involves constructing a secure shelter or adhering to the necessary procedures for firearm ownership, the ultimate responsibility for safeguarding yourself and your family falls on your shoulders.

Conspiracy theories have also emerged, suggesting that the Israeli government had prior knowledge of the attack and allowed it to happen to provide a pretext for a forceful response in Gaza.

Others argue that the military’s readiness to respond was compromised because the attack occurred during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, when a significant portion of military personnel is on leave, and military facilities operate with minimal staff.

Nevertheless, video footage reveals significant lapses in military preparedness, with military bases appearing disorganized and failing to follow established protocols. The absence of active patrols and watchful eyes raises questions about the soldiers’ readiness. Many of those who lost their lives were either inside their barracks, sleeping or congregating around open fires, eating and drinking. It appeared that there was little to no advance warning of the attack.

Don’t trust the media

I’ve come across a considerable amount of conflicting information online, along with reports that often contradict established facts. Both sides are engaged in a substantial amount of propaganda, and regrettably, people rarely take the time to verify sources or conduct their own investigations.

Propaganda primarily serves two purposes: first, it seeks to attract supporters to a cause, often drawing individuals with no prior allegiance to the cause or organization. Second, it disseminates information to justify the cause and the means used to achieve its objectives.

A prominent example of this is the unfounded rumor that Hamas terrorists were decapitating babies and young children, which rapidly spread like wildfire. To date, no evidence of such heinous acts has been confirmed, and the Israeli government has not verified the specific claim that Hamas attackers beheaded infants during their shocking attack.

When U.S. President Joe Biden publicly expressed his outrage at Hamas militants invading southern Israel and allegedly beheading babies at the Kfar Aza kibbutz last weekend, the public reaction was extensive and understandable.

However, subsequent reports indicated that no such beheadings had been substantiated by any Israeli or international source, most likely because they never occurred. This serves as a stark illustration of how false reports can swiftly permeate the public sphere through mass media, often with the intention of discrediting one’s adversaries and supporting one’s allies.

Biden’s statement followed a series of news reports and comments from Israeli officials, most of which have since been toned down or retracted. The allegations of beheadings, challenging to verify, have continued to circulate, partly due to the lack of clarity on the matter.

Alexei Abrahams, a disinformation researcher at McGill University in Montreal, noted that even without the claims of beheaded infants, “the actual facts themselves are horrifying enough to elicit the kind of response one would expect.” Stories involving babies are highly emotive and have historically been used to justify extremely harsh responses. Given the volatile nature of the information environment, such claims are inevitably taken out of context, both intentionally and unintentionally.

The key point here is that the media is primarily driven by viewership, as it generates significant revenue and can be easily swayed to take sides when emotional reactions are triggered. Additionally, it is widely acknowledged that there is no longer a truly free and independent media. It is crucial to conduct your own research and draw your own conclusions, as the truth can be readily manipulated.

There is however one piece of news that should give preppers pause, and that’s the information relayed by FBI Director Chris Wray who warned on Saturday the 14th that there was a spike in domestic terror threats in the US related to the war.

Always be ready to bug out

Switching over to the Palestinian side, from the videos I’ve seen online, it’s evident that many civilians are fleeing their homes with only the clothes on their backs. Some have had to depend on others for transportation due to a lack of fuel for their vehicles. This underscores the importance of having a bug-out bag or a basic survival kit ready in case you need to leave your home. It’s also wise to maintain a cache of essential supplies, particularly water, food, and fuel.

There have been concerns that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) has targeted food, water, and fuel supplies because they may be used by both civilians and the Hamas terrorist organization. Regardless of this, it’s essential not to leave things to chance and create your own supply cache, regardless of its size.

Another aspect that caught my attention was the evacuation tactics adopted by civilians, whether by choice or necessity. Many of them traveled alongside vehicles such as ambulances, military trucks, and other targets that are typically at risk of IDF actions. It may have been more prudent for them to consider alternative escape routes or at least maintain a safe distance from such targets.


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